I just finished reading It’s Your Ship by Captain D. Michael Abrashoff, a leadership book written by former captain of USS Benfold, a US Navy Guided missile destroyer.
He had a mission to improve his (and Navy’s) leadership skills to improve the performance of his ship.
This book had a lots of interesting insights on leadership and organizations that is relevant also outside US Navy context → warmly recommended.
The Chapters
A quote from the introduction of the book:
The book narrates episodes in Benfold’s two-year voyage thorugh uncharted waters of leadership, and is organized around the lessons I learned. A chapter is given to each one.
Mostly for my own sake, here’s a list of the chapters of the book:
Lead by Example
- It’s funny how often the problem is you.
- Never forget your effect on people.
- Leaders know how to be held accountable.
- Never fail the “Washington Post” test.
- Obey even when you disagree.
Listen Aggressively
- See the ship through the crew’s eyes.
- Find round people for round holes.
- Use the power of word magic.
Communicate Purpose and Meaning
- Make your crew think “We can do anything.”
- Open up the clogged channels
- After creating a gread brand, defend it.
- Freedom creates discipline.
Create a Climate of Trust
- Never pit dog against dog.
- Even the worst screwup may be redeemable.
- Welcome the bad-news messenger.
- Protect your people from lunatic bosses.
- Being the best carries responsibility.
- Trust also makes money.
Look for Results, not Salutes
- Help knock down the barriers.
- Let your crew feel free to speak up.
- Free your crew from top-down-itis.
- Nurture the freedom to fail.
- Innovation know no rank.
- Challenge your crew beyond its reach.
Take Calculated Risks
- Bet on the people who think for themselves.
- Take a chance on a promising sailor.
- If a rule doesn’t make sense, break it.
- If a rule does make sense, break it carefully.
Go Beyond Standard Procedure
- Keep your priorities in focus.
- Stay ahead of the competition.
- Push the envelope for innovation.
- Volunteering benefits everyone.
- Go for the obvious. It’s probably a winner.
- Don’t work harder. Work smarter.
- Don’t fight stupidity. Use it.
Build Up Your People
- Little things make big successes.
- Trust people. They usually prove you’re right.
- Newbies are important. Treat them well.
- Be the rising tide that lifts all boats.
- Build up your bosses.
- Expect the best from your crew. You will get it.
- Build a strong, deep bench.
- Counsel continuously – and honestly.
Generate Unity
- Forget diversity. Train for unity.
- Deal out punishment strictly but fairly.
- What’s bad for women is bad for your ship.
Improve Your People’s Quality of Life
- Fun with your friends makes a happy ship.
- The first priority: good food.
- Add to your crew’s bottom line.
- In heavy times, lighten up.
- Let the crew show off the ship.
- The secret of good work? Good play.
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