This time I read JWT Handbook by Sebastián Peyrott that is available from Auth0 against giving your email.
JWT in general
What is JWT?
- JWT stands for JSON Web Token.
- A standard for safely passing claims in space constrained environments
- Aims to be a simple, useful, standard container format that can optionally be also validated and/or encrypted.
- Latest JWT spec: RFC 7519
- Related specs
Example JWT
Example JWT from (newlines added for readibility):
This JWT has three parts separated with a dot:
- Header JSON (encoded with Base64Url)
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
- Payload (also encoded with Base65Url)
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"iat": 1516239022
- Signature built on header, payload & a secret
Typical applications
client-side/stateless sessions
- for storing client-side data
- signature is typically used to validate the data
- Can be potentially also encrypted
Security considerations
- Signature Stripping
- Removing the signature and changing the header to claim that the JWT is unsigned
- -> Validation should not consider unsigned JWTs valid.
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Try to make the user browser to perform requests against a site where the user is logged in from a different site. (As
- Relevant when session/JWT is in a cookie as cookies are sent by browser.
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
- Attempt to inject JavaScript in trusted sites
Federated identity
- Centralize user's identity
- Many solutions, two common examples:
OAuth 2.0 Access token & Refresh token as an example:
- Access Token
- Gives access to protected resources
- Usually short-lived
- Typically carries a signature (as signed JWT) -> can be validated by the resource servers
- Refresh Token
- Allows user to request new access tokens
- Usually long-lived
- Require access to the authorization server
- OAuth 2.0 does not specify the format of tokens.
- JWTs are a good match for access tokens.
- OpenID Connect uses JWT to represent the ID token
JSON Web Token in Detail
- Three elements: header, payload and signature/encryption data
- Header & payload are JSON objects
- Signature/encryption part depends on the algorithm used for signing or encryption. (In the case of unencrypted JWT it is omitted)
- Compact serialization: Base64 URL-safe encoding of UTF-8 bytes of header & payload (JSON) and signing/encryption data (not JSON)
- Also known as the JOSE header (JSON Object Signing and Encryption)
- Claims about the JWT itself
- alg (Algorithm)
- Algorithm used for signing and/or encrypting the JWT
- Only mandatory claim for an unencrypted JWT
- cty (Content Type)
- In the typical case of specific claims and arbitrary data, this must not be set.
- Must be "JWT" when payload is another JWT itself (nested JWT)
- typ (Media type)
- relevant only in cases when JWTs could be mixed with other objects carrying a JOSE header (which rarely happens)
- No mandatory claims
- Registered claims have specific meaning
Registered Claims:
- iss (Issuer)
- A case-sensitive string or URI uniquely
- Identifying JWT issuer
- Application-specific interpretation
- sub (Subject)
- A case-sensitive string or URI
- Identifying the party that this JWT carries information about.
- JWT claims are about this party.
- Application-specific handling
- aud (Audience)
- Either a single case-sensitive string or URI or an array of such values
- Identifying intended recipients
- Application-specific interpretation
- exp (Expiration (time))
- nbf (Not before (time))
- iat (Issued At (time))
- jti (JWT ID)
- Can be used to differentiate JWTs with others
Other claims are private or public
- Public claims - either
- Private claims - "ad hoc claims used for a particular case"
JSON Web Signatures (JWS)
- The book states JWS as "probably the single most useful feature of JWTs"
- Allow to establish the authenticity of the JWT (validation)
- Note: Does not prevent other parties from reading the contents inside the JWT
Specified in RFC 7518, JSON Web Algorithms (JWA)
Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) is an algorithm that produces a code (hash) from a certain payload with a secret using a cryptographic hash function.
One algorithm is required to be supported by all JWS conforming implementations:
- "HS256"
- HMAC using SHA-256 hash function (shared secret scheme)
These are recommended:
- "RS256"
- RSASSA PKCS1 v1.5 using SHA-256
- RSASSA is a variation of asymmetric RSA algorithm used for signatures.
- Private key can be created to create signature (and to verify it)
- Public key can only be used to verify the signature (and thus authenticity of the message)
- "ES256"
- ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256
- Uses an alternative to RSA, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
- Also an algorithm with public and private keys but different mathematics.
Optional ones (that are in practice variations of required and recommended ones):
- "HS384" & "HS512": Variations of "HS256" with SHA-384 and SHA-512
- "RS384" & "RS512": Variations of "RS256" with SHA-384 and SHA-512
- "ES384" & "ES512": Variations of "ES256" with SHA-384 and SHA-512.
- "PS256", "PS384" & "PS512": RSASSA-PSS + MGF1 with SHA-256/SHA-384/SHA-512
See section 4.1. of RFC 7515
JWS spec defines two types of serialization:
- JWS Compact Serialization
- The typical JWT serialization
- baseurl-encoded header, payload and signature separated with dots
- Single signature
- JWS JSON Serialization, with two alternatives
- General syntax that supports multiple signatures
- Flattened syntax (a single signature)
For more details, see section 7 of RFC 7515.
JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
When JWS makes it possible to validate data, JWE makes it possible to prevent third parties from reading the data.
As in JWS, two schemes:
- a shared secret scheme - A party that holds the shared secret can encrypt and decrypt data
- a public/private key scheme
- A party that holds the public key can encrypt data.
- A party that holds the private key can decrypt data.
- NOTE: Anyone holding the public key can encrypt new data
- Thus JWE does not replace role of JWS in token exchange
- JWE and JWS are complementary when using a public/private key scheme.
- Encrypted JWTs are sometimes nested: An encrypted JWT serves as a container for a signed JWT
Structure of an encrypted JWT
Encrypted JWT compact representation has 5 elements (instead of 3 in signed and unsecured JTWs)
- The protected header - As JWS header
- The encrypted key - A symmetric key used to encrypt the ciphertext & other encrypted data
- Note that the ciphertext is encrypted in a symmetric way even if an asymmetric algorithm is used to encrypt the key.
- The initialization vector - Needed for some encryption algorithms
- The encrypted data (ciphertext)
- The authentication tag - Can be used validate the ciphertext
- Note that this doesn't remove the need for nested JWTs
Key Encryption Algorithms
Key Encryption Algorithms ("alg" header) recommended to be implemented:
- RSA variants:
- "RSA1_5" - RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5 (NOTE: marked for removal of the recommendation)
- "RSA-OAEP" - RSAES-OAEP with defaults (marked to be required in the future)
- AES variants
- "A128KW" - AES-128 Key Wrap
- "A256KW" - AES-256 Key Wrap
- Elliptic Curve variants:
- "ECDH-ES" - Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral Static (ECDH-ES) using Concat KDF (marked to be required in the future)
- Combinations
- "ECDH-ES+A128KW" - ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with AES-128
- "ECDH-ES+A256KW" - ECDH-ES using Concat KDF and CEK wrapped with AES-256
Key Management Modes
JWE spec defines a couple of different Key Management Modes related to determining the Content Encryption Key (CEK)
- Key Encryption - CEK is encrypted for the intended recipient using an asymmetric encryption algorithm
- Key Wrapping - CEK is encrypted for the intended recipient using a symmetric encryption algorithm
- Direct Key Agreement - a key agreement algorithm is used to agree upon the CEK value.
- Key Agreement with Key Wrapping - a key agreement algorithm is used to agree upon a symmetric key used to encrypt the CEK value to the intended recipient using a symmetric key wrapping algorithm.
- Direct Encryption - shared symmetric key is used as the CEK
It's important to note that CEK and JWE encryption key are different things
- CEK is the key used to encrypt/decrypt the actual data payload
- JWE encryption key is used to encrypt or compute the CEK (unless Direct Encryption is used)
Required Content Encryption Algorithms ("enc" header):
- AES CBC + HMAC SHA - AES 128/256 with Cipher Block Chaining and HMAC + SHA-256/512 for validation.
- "A128CBC-HS256" - AES_128_CBC_HMAC_SHA_256
- "A256CBC-HS512" - AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512
See section 4.1. of RFC 7516
JSON Web Keys (JWK)
- Different representations for the keys used for signatures and encryption
- Aiming for a unified presentation of all keys supported in the JWA spec.
An example JWK from RFC 7517:
"kty": "EC", // Key type: Elliptic Curve
"crv": "P-256", // Curve type: P-256
"x": "f83OJ3D2xF1Bg8vub9tLe1gHMzV76e8Tus9uPHvRVEU", // base64-encoded x & y coordinates
"y": "x_FEzRu9m36HLN_tue659LNpXW6pCyStikYjKIWI5a0", // (Parameters for elliptic curves)
"kid": "Public key used in JWS spec Appendix A.3 example" // Key identifier
Common parameters (more details in section 4 of RFC 7517:
- kty (Key Type) - "EC" / "RSA" / "oct" (symmetric keys)
- use (Public Key Use) - "sig" (signature) / "enc" (encryption)
- key_ops (Key Operations)
- an array of strings specifying detailed uses for the key
- Potential values "sign", "verify", "encrypt", "decrypt", "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", "deriveKey", "deriveBits"
- alg (Algorithm) - the algorithm intended for use with the key
- kid (Key ID) - A unique identifier for this key.
- x5u (X.509 URL) - A URL pointing to a X.509 public key certificate or certificate chain in PEM encoded form
- x5c (X.509 Certificate Chain) - Base64-URL encoded X.509 DER public key certificate or certificate chain
- x5t (X.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint) - Base-64-URL encoded SHA-1 thumbprint/fingerprint of the DER encoding of a X.509 certificate
- x5t#S256 (X.509 Certificate SHA-256 Thumbprint) - As x5t, but with SHA-256 thumbprint/fingerprint.
- Other parameters specific to the key algorithm. e.g. x, y, d, n, e etc.
JSON Web Key Sets (aka JWK Sets)
- Carry more than one key
- Meaning of the order of the keys is user-defined
- A JSON object with "keys" field consisting of a JSON array of JWKs
JSON Web Algorithms
In this chapter, the algorithms used in earlier chapters are discussed in more detail.
Base64's is a binary-to-text encoding used widely with JWT, JWS and JWE. With JTW & related specs, a URL-safe variant of Base64 is used. For more details, see e.g. RFC 4648
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
- SHA used in JWT is defined in FIPS-180, see also RFC 4634.
- Note: Not to be confused with SHA-1 (deprecated, should not be used)
- FIPS-180 SHA is sometimes called SHA-2
- For JWT, SHA-256 & SHA512 are of interest.
- Roughly:
- Input is processed in fixed-side chunks
- For each chunk, perform a bunch of mathematical operations
- Result is accumulated with previous chunk results
- After all chunks, digest is computed.
- For code example, see sha256.js
Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
- Use a cryptographic hash function (e.g. SHA family) and a key to create an authentication code.
- Takes a hash function, a message and a secret key as input
- Produces an authentication code (HMAC) as output
Definition from RFC 2104:
To compute HMAC over the data `text' we perform
H(K XOR opad, H(K XOR ipad, text))
- ipad = the byte 0x36 repeated B times
- opad = the byte 0x5C repeated B times
So, e.g. "HS256" (HMAC + SHA256) means HMAC using SHA-256 as the hash function,
- "RSA" stands for the initials of it's developers Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman.
- Has variations both for signing and encryption
- Stands on integer factorization being computationally relative extensize operation to perform.
The RSA "basic expression": (m^e)^d = m (mod n)
- It is computationally feasible to find very large integers
, d
and n
that satisfy the equation.
- It is relatively difficult to find
when other numbers are known.
- Public key is composed of values
and e
- Private key is composed of values
and d
More details can be found from e.g. The Public Key Cryptography Standard #1 (PKCS #1) (RFC 3447).
Signing with RSA
- Produce a message digest from the message
- Raise digest to the power of
mod n
- Attach the result as signature
Verifying signature:
- Raise signature to the power of
mod n
- Produce a message digest from the message
- If the results from previous steps match, the signature is valid
JWT "RS256" signature algorithm is PKCS#1 RSASSA v1.5 using SHA-256.
Elliptic Curve (EC)
Elliptic Curves is a different field of mathematics that provides a "one-way function" that is easy to compute but hard to invert (elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem).
Some math resources:
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
- Curves and algorithms defined in FIPS 186-4 + other associated standards.
- JWA uses three curves: P-256, P-384, and P-521.
- Within certain curve used as a "base point"
for EC operations:
- Private key can be constructed by picking a random number between 1 and
(order of base point G
- Public key can be computed with multiplying private key with the base point
"ES256" is ECDSA using elliptic curve P-256 and SHA-256 hash.
Best practices
Based on RFC 8725.
Common pitfalls / attacks
- alg: none
- setting header "alg" to "none" and modifying payload
- Using RS256 Public-key as HS256 secret
- as public key is often public
- Weak HMAC keys
- If using a HMAC key of "typical password length", brute force attack might be possible
- Wrong stacked encryption + signature verification assumptions
- Wrong assumption that encryption would provide also protection against tampering
- Esp. non-standard encryption algorithms might not have data integrity verification
- Nested JTWs: Failing to validate innermost JWT when encrypted JWT is carrying a signed JWT
- Invalid Elliptic curve attacks
- Substitution attacks
- Sending a token intended for recipient A to recipient B (if both verify the token with the same public key)