Friday, February 13, 2015

Node: Up and Running

This time I read “Node: Up and Running” by Tom Hughes-Croucher and Mike Wilson that is btw. readable freely online at O’Reilly Atlas. The book was a quite OK introduction to Node.js.

I liked the book’s introduction to the basic concepts & elements with Node: Events & Event Loop, Buffer, Core HTTP & IO APIs etc. (Chapters 3 & 4). Chapters 5 – 7 were introduction to various other helper APIs & modules and I glanced them through more cursory. Since the book was from 2012, I feel that especially Express part was somewhat dated. I think chapter 8 (modules, npm & packages) could have been a bit earlier and could have introduced more the usage of package.json.

I would also have liked to have some tips on how to structure a Node.js project, whether & how one should use task runner like Gulp/Grunt/Make/etc. with Node. Even though this kind of information would probably now be more or less outdated.

Some related links:

Please share if you have something in your mind, interesting tips & links etc.