Sunday, September 21, 2014

Lean Mindset

Lean Mindset

Some time ago I read the book The Lean Mindset: Ask the Right Questions by Mary & Tom Poppendieck.

The book isn’t very focused (either on Lean thinking on traditional sense or software development) but the book is a collection of interesting thoughts, stories & case studies related to lean thinking in a more broad scale. If you want an intro to Lean thinking on traditional sense, I recommend you to check out Lean Primer by Craig Larman and Bas Vodde.

I’ve collected here some interesting thoughts from or related to the book.

Two mindsets (dual processing theory: fast-thinking self vs. analytical part)

Dual processing theory is a model according to which our mind can be in two different modes: System 1 (Fast-thinking self, “auto-pilot mode”) & System 2 (Analytical part, slow)

Douglas McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y

  • Theory X assumes that people don’t like work and will do as little as possible
  • Theory Y assumes that most people are eager to work and want to do a good job
  • Lean principle of Energized Workers is based on Theory Y
  • Both theories can be self-fulfilling prophecies

Full potential – Growth mindset etc.

Delighted Customers

  • Quote: The Westerner and the Japanese man mean something different when they talk of “making a decision.” In the West, all the emphasis is on the answer to the question. To the Japanese, however, the important element in decision making is defining the question. (Peter Drucker’s What We Can Learn from Japanese Management)
  • Ask the right questions, solve the right problems (check out the book Are your lights on)
  • Case Sphere of influence, Concept of Strong centers
  • Procter & Gamble approach to scientific planning, check out Bringing Science to the Art of Strategy
    • Frame a choice
    • Generate possibilities
    • Specify conditions
    • Identify barriers
    • Design tests
    • Conduct the tests
    • Make a choice

Design Toolbox – some tools

How Spotify Builds Products

Disruptive innovations

Still some links :)